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5150 W 20th St Greeley, CO 80634

Sedation Dentistry Greeley, CO

Do you avoid visiting the dentist due to fear or dental anxiety? Is your oral health suffering due to a lack of routine dental care?

Thompson Advanced Dentistry is home to a dedicated and caring team of dental professionals trained and experienced in dental sedation. We help you receive the general dental services you need or desire in a relaxed, caring environment where you feel heard and respected.

Sedation dentistry can be the solution for anxious and fearful patients and anyone facing an invasive or complex dental procedure to address concerns or cosmetic goals. Dr. Thompson works with patients individually to recommend the appropriate type of dental sedation when necessary, ensuring your comfort and safety in our Greeley dentist office.

Dental Sedation: Options to Consider

Dr. Thompson offers a full range of dental sedation options and works with patients to meet their needs and provide safe, comfortable care. We will discuss your medical history before recommending or administering sedation and what to expect before, during, and after your treatment.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide may be better known to you as laughing gas. It’s the mildest form of sedation offered. You breathe it in through a cannula placed under your nose throughout the procedure. Laughing gas takes effect and dissipates quickly, so it’s the only form of sedation where you can drive yourself to and from your appointment. You’ll still be able to hear what’s going on around you and may be able to answer questions asked by the dental staff.

This gas is a depressant, slowing your body down while inhaling it. It produces a sense of euphoria and relaxation in patients. The giggles and euphoria it produces give it its “laughing gas” nickname. Your limbs may feel heavy or tingly throughout your procedure. After the gas source is removed, a few minutes of breathing natural air should dissipate the effects of the gas.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral sedation is given in prescribed pill form. It’s a deeper sedation than that with laughing gas, and you’ll require a ride to and from your appointment. It may be a single pill or multiple medications used in conjunction to produce the correct effect. Each patient is different, and we’ll do a thorough medical consultation before prescribing anything. We want to ensure your safety and avoid any complications.

Usually, you’ll take the prescribed medication about an hour before coming into the office. It produces a mild to moderate sedative effect. You’re awake and conscious but will feel very sleepy and may fall asleep during the procedure. It’s also likely that you won’t remember parts of your procedure. The sedation effect takes a few hours after your appointment to wear off completely.

IV Sedation

Dr. Thompson is one of the few local dentists offering IV sedation for patients. This is the deepest form of dental sedation offered. We administer medications directly into your bloodstream with an IV line in your hand or arm. You’re closely monitored throughout the process, and we keep track of your vitals. We can adjust your dosage at any point if we notice problems and administer medications to reverse the sedation if necessary.

While you aren’t completely unconscious, most patients fall asleep with this form of sedation. It creates a long amnesia period, so you likely won’t remember all or most of your procedure. Because of the deeper sedation effect, this allows us to perform multiple procedures in one sitting. As with other sedation methods, we’ll perform a thorough medical consultation to ensure this method is healthy for you.

Who Benefits From Dental Sedation?

Typically, sedation dentistry is associated with patients with dental fear. Dental anxiety occurs on a spectrum. Some patients may only get triggered by specific sounds or tools used, while others have a fear so debilitating that they can’t go to the dentist office for regular checkups. This means that patients with severe dental fear often have more severe oral health conditions, leading to a need for more dental procedures to set things straight.

Sedation allows patients with dental fear to come in for their regular dental checkups so they don’t get to the point of needing intensive procedures. However, sedation also benefits patients who need intense or multiple dental procedures. It allows patients to remain calm and sit for a longer period, so we can get more work done in a shorter amount of time. This way, there’s no need for multiple dental visits.

But those patients aren’t the only ones that sedation helps. It can be difficult for patients with movement disorders to get oral healthcare. Dentistry requires small instruments that can harm a patient if things move without the dentist knowing. Patients with severe gag reflexes also have trouble with this, as their body is fighting the dentist while he’s trying to care for their oral health.

Sedation relaxes those involuntary movements and reflexes so that patients can get care with less risk. It’s more comfortable for both the patient and the dentist. The dentist’s job is easier when a patient can remain still, and he doesn’t have to worry about accidentally injuring them with a dental tool.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Thompson in our Greeley dental office to discuss the benefits of sedation dentistry and explore your options. We welcome new patients and provide personalized dental care, considering your concerns and fears so you can enjoy a healthy, confident smile.

Dental Sedation FAQs

Sedation dentistry benefits various patients, allowing more people to get dental care. Learn more by reading the answers to these commonly asked questions.

Is sedation dentistry safe for all ages?

Yes, oral conscious sedation options are safe for all ages in a controlled environment and administered by a certified professional. Dentists sedate patients to alleviate dental anxiety in fearful patients, reduce and eliminate pain, and more. The practice has been used for decades.

What does oral sedation feel like?

When you are administered oral sedation, you may start to feel like you are very happy and confident without care. You may feel drowsy but won’t fall asleep.

Does oral sedation put you to sleep?

If administered correctly, you will not fall asleep. A dental professional will closely monitor you to ensure you are comfortable and medically stable during treatment.

What are the side effects of sedation?

  • Drowsiness
  • Feelings of heaviness or sluggishness
  • Loss of memory of what happened during the procedure (amnesia)
  • Slow reflexes
  • Low blood pressure
  • Headache
  • Feeling sick